Friday, September 23, 2011

Photo for Freedom

This website and blog are a must.
It is a site a blog started by a photographer names Tom. He has dedicated his time to help stop trafficking and exploitation of children in the fishing villages of the Volta region. 
If you have a chance please take some time to read and educate yourself on a bit of what is going on there. 
His award winning photography does an amazing job of capturing the joys and tragedies, the beauty and sadness that are a part of Ghana, specifically the Volta region. It is very overwhelming to read. 
Tom had a chance to travel around the region with a man named Joseph Brabi who is John Bull's right hand man (John Bull is the man featured with his wife on the video in this post). The ministry the Lord has given them in Ghana is amazing and their website is wonderful. What he and his wife do is a beautiful picture of Christ-City of Refuge- another must.
The experiences Tom writes about in his blog are very real and tragic. 
He writes "These were the most difficult pictures I have ever taken.  I felt ashamed being a visitor and having the option to leave Ada." 
 But then he said, "Looking back now I’m glad I took the photographs and witness what I did while in Ghana.  The photos taken at Ada and Ada Kope are the strongest work for the coming exhibition.  The best tool for us to stop the atrocity that is modern day slavery is to bring it to the public eye and to support organizations like YGAP and CORM.  Unless we put slavery into light it will continue to fester in the darkness. 
Here are a few of the photos:

In the midst of the hardships of Ghana there is beauty. The photos of the children playing and the little girl with the pot on her head. 
And there is hope in Ghana at places like City of Refuge with John Bull, Stacy, Joseph Brabi and his wife Theresa (pictured below). People who have the love of God in their heart, who love the children that God brings to them! 
And one day, if the Lord wills, He will bring us a child to love and care for!

Photo for freedom also has a Facebook page

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